Friday, April 04, 2008

I just wanna say...

Felt so much wanting to say the following to my DEAREST DARLING KC aka Sky aka 'muffin'(ya ya the girly nick) aka bak kwa... but juz don't wanna disturb him doing work.

Apologies that I'm unable to accompany you for the next 8 days!!

Please do take care of your health while I'm away...cough must eat pipagao...ulcer must use bonjela leh!!! DRink more water!!!

Don't tire yourself out working/thinking too hard. You needa get enough rest too!!! Oh ya, careful not to fall down the steps at ur office too.

I wished I did not planned this trip way in advanced since last year...I could have proper use the $$$ on many things for us instead.

Do concentrate on your work this following week & may everything flow smoothly.

Sheesh, no idea why I'm beginning to talk like this. But guess it's becos I'm already missing you even b4 I leave for my trip to become your 'toot toot' lookalike...

p.s.: *JEALOUS*!!! waH can you go hArm0nica's home so many times but not mine???

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