Monday, January 03, 2011

iHeart HK!!!

The "almost-gonna-be-one-year-nagging" by my mom will finally end. I had been so so busy that I really had to prioritize my task lists last year. Also, I take pride in the photos I take and I usually require abit of time to sort, manage aka 'QC' them.

The nagging issue as mentioned was for our China & HK Trip back in April 1st - 10th 2010. And yes, now that I have some time to sort it out and it makes me wanna book a flight immediately flying to HK!!! Alone!!

Why alone? There just too many things to explore; shopping, eating, sight seeing, and just relaxing somewhere...I love it when I have my own time own target moments. So yah, when I have the time. I will just fly there !!!

In fact, I find myself enjoying HK more than TW. And guess what? I won 1st prize for our Offsite 2010 which consist of 2 tickets to Taiwan and Taka vouchers. My oh my...why does it have to be TW???! Anyway, I have ebay-ed the travel vouchers. Hoping that there are people wanting to purchase it. Else, I'll just fly there and see what I can do there.

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